Note: This is an unofficial translation of the original by-laws in Swedish.
Supplemental by-laws for the Unionen club at the company: Spotify AB 556703-7485
These by-laws supplement the Unionen by-laws §3.3-3.8
§ 1 Area of activity
Spotify Workers Unionen is the club for all Unionen members at Spotify
When new workplaces are added between annual meetings, the board of the national club have the mandate to approve the addition of workplaces and members without a clear workplace to the national club. Board approved additions of new workplaces should be confirmed at the next annual meeting by updating the supplementary by-laws. This update is not considered a revision of the supplementary by-laws. Decisions of additions are made with a simple majority.
§ 2 The organisation of the club
Section 1
The club's activity is organised through
- the yearly meeting
- the national club board
- contact representatives (who are either representatives or members of the board)
Section 2
The most authoritative deciding body for the club is the yearly meeting. Between yearly meetings, the national club is led by a national club board, elected by the yearly meeting. In the national club board, all workplaces must have regular [non-substitute] members of the national club board to represent them. Each workplace must have at least one representative on the board. The purpose, form and ways of decision making for the yearly meeting and the national club board are specified in the Unionen by-laws §3.5-3.8
§ 3 Yearly meeting
Section 1
The yearly meeting is the most authoritative deciding body for the national club. A yearly meeting must be held no later than February 28. The purpose, form and ways of decision making yearly meeting for the yearly meeting are specified in the Unionen by-laws § 3.5 with the following addendums.
Section 2
All members must be summoned to the meeting and shall have the right to make statements, propose decisions and vote at the meeting. Representatives from the central union association have the right to be present and make statements at the meeting.
Section 3
Summons and agenda (according to §3.5 section 3 in the Unionen by-laws) for the meeting must be communicated to the members no later than 14 days before the ordinary yearly meeting.
Section 4
Other documents (according to §3.5 section 3 in the Unionen by-laws) must be communicated to the members no later than 7 days before the ordinary yearly meeting.
The yearly meeting can take place using alternative forms of meeting in accordance with the central union association board guidelines for alternative ways of meeting.
§ 3.1 The Board
Section 1
The board for the national club consists of an odd number of regular members, with a minimum of five members.
Section 2
The board should include regular members that are contact representatives for a workplace. Each workplace should have a contact representative that represents the workplace in the board.
Section 3
The board will, in accordance with the Unionen by-laws, lead the work between the yearly meetings based on the mandate granted to the board by the yearly meeting.
Section 4
The board decides on a board meeting cadence, at a minimum of once per month (with an exception for the months of July and December).
§ 3.2 Board members at all workplaces (contact representative and mail recipient)
Section 1
All workplaces within Spotify must be represented on the board. Among the board members, a board member is assigned the responsibility to share information with each workplace. These are contact representatives. Their purpose is to ensure all members have the same influence and insight into the club’s work. The contact representatives are also mail recipients for their workplaces.
Section 2
The contact representatives are not required to work at the workplace they are the contact representative for. However, it is considered beneficial if the contact representative also works at the workplace they represent.
Section 3
In case a contact representative doesn’t work at the workplace they represent, they must have a clear and known presence at the workplace and regularly maintain a dialogue and provide information to members at the workplace where the purpose of the contact representative is fulfilled. They are also responsible for mail at their workplace.
Section 4
The contact representatives’ mandate is that they are members of the board. They don’t have a specific mandate, such as the mandate to negotiate, due to being the contact representative and mail recipient.
§ 4 Negotiations
The national club board leads the club’s negotiation work and can assign a delegation for negotiation within or outside of the board. The board can grant a mandate to negotiate certain topics to a local regional office.
§ 5 Other
The club must otherwise follow the Unionen by-laws and the decisions made by the congress, central union association meeting, central union association board, regional meeting and regional board. If there is a conflict in interpretation of by-laws between the club’s and central union association by-laws, the central union association’s by-laws take precedence.
§ 5.1 Way of meeting
If a yearly meeting or club meeting is held in a different way than with physical presence, it must be recorded in the minutes for the meeting. These meetings are run in accordance with § 3.5 section 4 in the Unionen by-laws in accordance with the central union association board’s guidelines for alternative ways of meeting.
The board must ensure that all members can participate in the meeting well in advance of the meeting. Regarding yearly meeting this is regulated by §3 section 3 and 4 (in accordance with §3.5 section 3 in the Unionen by-laws). For club meetings, the members shall be summoned at least 4 days before the meeting.